Woodland Wonder
20x20 - $1500
Late Summer
24x24 - $2000
Hidden Spring
16x12 - $700
Waiting for Mr. Allnut
16x16 - $850
Night Moves
20x20 - $1500
Windswept, Clary Hill
$24x24 - $2000
The Headlands - Whitehead
30x30 - $3000
20x20 - $1500
On Edge
24x24 - $2000
Silent Running
16x20 - $1000
Sea Change
30x40 - $4000
At the Water's Edge
24x24 - $2000
20x20 - $1500

Standing Watch
20x20 - $1500
Fog at Two Lights
36x36 - $3500
Traveling South
20x16 - $1000
20x20 - $1500
Water World
20x24 - $1750

large work

All work is framed and the price includes safe arrival at your home. Please e-mail for details about the creative process and my interpretation of nature's gifts. Please check the actual size of each painting. Click on any painting to enlarge and start slide show.